=== Mini Mail Dashboard Widget === Contributors: Marcel Bokhorst Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=AJSBB7DGNA3MJ&lc=US&item_name=Mini%20Mail%20Dashboard%20Widget%20WordPress%20Plugin&item_number=Marcel%20Bokhorst¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_SM%2egif%3aNonHosted Tags: e-mail, email, mail, imap, sms, notify, notification, admin, dashboard, widget, security, ajax Requires at least: 2.8 Tested up to: 3.5 Stable tag: 1.43 Send and receive e-mails on the administration panel and optionally receive SMS messages when new messages or comments arrive. == Description == **This plugin is no longer supported** Send and receive e-mail messages on the administration panel and optionally receive SMS messages containing the sender, subject and (part of) the text when new messages or comments arrive. All e-mail is text based ([HTML](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML "HTML") will be converted to text). However, it is possible to view HTML messages and to download attachments. Mail can be received by [POP3](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POP3 "POP3") or [IMAP](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMAP "IMAP") and sent by [PHP mail](http://www.php.net/mail "PHP mail") or [SMTP](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMTP "SMTP"). Attaching files is possible. There is a simple address book for both e-mail addresses and phone numbers, which can optionally be populated with your WordPress users. See [Other Notes](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/mini-mail-dashboard-widget/other_notes/ "Other Notes") for usage instructions. **This plugin requires at least PHP 5.2.4.** Please report any issue you have in the [forum](http://forum.bokhorst.biz/forums/forum/wordpress-plugins/mini-mail-dashboard-widget/). See my [other plugins](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/profile/m66b "Marcel Bokhorst"). == Installation == *Using the WordPress dashboard* 1. Login to your weblog 1. Go to Plugins 1. Select Add New 1. Search for Mini Mail Dashboard Widget 1. Select Install 1. Select Install Now 1. Select Activate Plugin *Manual* 1. Download and unzip the plugin 1. Upload the entire *mini-mail-dashboard-widget/* directory to the */wp-content/plugins/* directory 1. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress == Frequently Asked Questions == = Why did you write this plugin? = See [here](http://blog.bokhorst.biz/2414/computers-en-internet/wordpress-plugin-mini-mail-dashboard-widget/ "Marcel's weblog"). = Is this plugin multi-user? = Yes. = Who can configure and use the dashboard widget? = By default users with *edit\_posts* capability (authors), but this can be changed with a setting. = Who can access the general settings? = Users with *manage\_options* capability (administrators). = How can I change the styling? = 1. Copy *wp-mini-mail.css* to your upload directory to prevent it from being overwritten by an update 2. Change the style sheet to your wishes; the style sheet contains documentation = Why does this plugin require at least PHP version 5.2.4? = Because this is [a requirement](http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/requirements.introduction.html "PHP 5.2.4") of the Zend Framework. = Are you affiliated to VoipBuster, Clickatell or TM4B? = No. = Can you give me an example of an SMS schedule? = To receive SMS notifications from 9am to 5pm on working days you could use the following schedule: * +9:00 * -17:00 * -Sat * -Sun = What do 'Connection refused' and 'Connection timed out' mean? = Probably that your hosting provider has blocked POP3, IMAP and/or SMTP. Try switching from IMAP to POP3 and/or from SMTP to PHP mail and/or from SSL/TLS to unencrypted. Use the port test function to get an idea which ports are open or closed. This function does not always work correct. = Why do I get error 500? = See previous question. Maybe the maximum PHP execution time is exceeded. You could use for example the [WP System Health](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-system-health/ "WP System Health") plugin to check this limit. = Why are not all new e-mail messages marked as unread? = Because e-mail messages for which SMS notifications are sent are considered as read. = The comment notifications don't work! = The comment notification feature is known to be incompatible with the [IntenseDebate Comments](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/intensedebate/ "IntenseDebate") plugin. = Where can I ask questions, report bugs and request features? = You can use the [forum](http://forum.bokhorst.biz/forums/forum/wordpress-plugins/mini-mail-dashboard-widget/). == Screenshots == 1. The Mini Mail Dashboard Widget == Changelog == = Development version = * You can download the development version [here](http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/mini-mail-dashboard-widget.zip) = 1.43 = * Added [HTML Purifier](http://htmlpurifier.org/) * Updated Zend Framework to version 1.11.12 * Added Lithuanian (lt\_LT) by [Host1Free](http://www.host1free.com/ "Host1Free") = 1.42 = * Added Romanian (ro\_RO) translation = 1.41 = * Bugfix: convert encoding when sending messages * Removed [Sustainable Plugins Sponsorship Network](http://pluginsponsors.com/) = 1.40 = * Fixed notice * More debug information * Use *finfo_file* to determine mime type (when available) = 1.39 = * Added settings link to widget * Tested with WordPress 3.3 * Updated Zend Framework to version 1.11.11 = 1.38 = * Fixed some translations * Updated Dutch (nl\_NL) and Flemisch (nl\_BE) translations * Added Italian (it\_IT) translation by [Gianni](http://gidibao.net/ "Gianni") = 1.37 = * Fixed security issue reported by wordpress.org = 1.36 = * Bugfix: character encoding headers = 1.35 = * Bugfix: reply/forward = 1.34 = * Fixed a notice * Updated Zend Framework to version 1.11.9 * Added *Sustainable Plugins Sponsorship Network* again = 1.33 = * Removed *Sustainable Plugins Sponsorship Network* = 1.32 = * Updated sponsorship ID = 1.31 = * Fixed all notices and warnings * Updated Zend Framework to version 1.11.7 * Tested with WordPress 3.2 = 1.30 = * New feature: time zone offset for SMS schedule * Updated Zend framework to version 1.11.3 = 1.29 = * Apply SMS schedule to comment notifications too * Some small improvements = 1.28 = * Prevent sending comment notification of post author = 1.27 = * New feature: multiple recipients for notifications = 1.26 = * Bugfix: added Clickatell sender ID * Improved debug logging = 1.25 = * Support for [TM4B](http://www.tm4b.com/ "TM4B") * Bugfix: error handling for Clickatell = 1.24 = * Support for [Clickatell](http://www.clickatell.com/ "Clickatell") = 1.23 = * Improved error handling SMS = 1.22 = * Added option ('None') for no mail receiving (only sending) * Updated Dutch (nl\_NL) and Flemisch (nl\_BE) translations = 1.21 = * Checking daily limit for SMS notifications for comments too * More logging for comment notifications = 1.20 = * Bugfix: fixed typo TSL -> TLS for POP3 en IMAP settings = 1.19 = * New feature: select 'from' when composing message (use 'Your e-mail' setting) * Added 'to' when displaying message * Bugfix: hide BCC when replying * Added more explanations to settings * Tested with WordPress version 3.1 RC 3 = 1.18 = * New feature: notify post author by SMS on new comment * Bugfix: check for empty headers * Updated Zend framework to version 1.11.2 * Tested with WordPress version 3.1 RC 2 = 1.17 = * Updated Zend framework to version 1.11.1 * Tested with WordPress version 3.1 beta 1 = 1.16 = * Added Turkish translation (tr\_TR) by *Weeebhosting* = 1.15 = * Rerelease of version 1.14 with the Zend framework included again = 1.14 = * Updated Zend framework to version 1.10.8 = 1.13 = * Url encode abspath = 1.12 = * Deleting log entries older than one week automatically = 1.11 = * Improved attachment security and logic = 1.10 = * Added option to send BCC to self = 1.9 = * Fixed IMAP folder handling = 1.8 = * Fetching mail only when widget open = 1.7 = * Using http transport when needed = 1.6 = * 'I have donated' removes donate link/button = 1.5 = * Added option to select minimum capability to configure and use dashboard widget * Updated Dutch and Flemisch translations * Updated Zend framework to version 1.10.7 = 1.4.3 = * Displaying maximum file attachment size = 1.4.2 = * Improved styling * Improved ajax handling = 1.4.1 = * Improved pseudo cron handling * Added option to store css in upload folder = 1.4 = * Added new option: limit number of messages to display * Improved ajax error handling * Updated Dutch and Flemisch translations * Added Spanish (es\_ES) translation by [Maria Kovacs](http://www.bluekrawatte.at/ "Maria Kovacs") = 1.3.4 = * Check if *mime_content_type* is available * Constructor compatibility with PHP 5.3.3+ = 1.3.3 = * Fixed warning when upload folder does not exist yet = 1.3.2 = * Added file name html encode * Generating .htaccess in upload folder = 1.3.1 = * Postponed creation of upload folder * Added file name html decode = 1.3 = * Added attachments for outgoing messages = 1.2.5 = * Updated Zend framework to version 1.10.6 * Using Zend autoloader = 1.2.4 = * Added French (fr\_FR) translation by *wolforg* * Updated Zend framework to version 1.10.5 = 1.2.3 = * Fixed getting attachments and HTML body = 1.2.2 = * Port test of TCP, SSL and TSL protocol = 1.2.1 = * Function to test if the POP3, IMAP and/or SMTP port is open * Added header with name and e-mail address to mail list * Updated Dutch and Flemisch translations * Updated Zend framework to version 1.10.3 * Fixed integration with Zend framework * Updated Frequently Asked Questions = 1.2 = * Pre-release for testing = 1.1.4 = * Starting session if not started already for better compatibility with other plugins = 1.1.3 = * Checking PHP version before loading class with try-catch = 1.1.2 = * More compatible ajax handling = 1.1.1 = * Made address book working for BCC * Localization of mail/SMS errors messages = 1.1 = * Added BCC field * Little style fix * Updated Zend framework to version 1.10.2 = 1.0.8 = * Added titles to info, delete and attachment icons = 1.0.7 = * Added link to Privacy Policy of Sustainable Plugins Sponsorship Network * Added option 'I have donated to this plugin' * Moved Sustainable Plugins Sponsorship Network banner to top = 1.0.6 = * Participating in the [Sustainable Plugins Sponsorship Network](http://pluginsponsors.com/ "PluginSponsors.com") = 1.0.5 = * Updated German translation by *Frank* = 1.0.4 = * Updated Farsi translation = 1.0.3 = * Added Farsi (fa\_IR) translation by [Jafar](http://www.nanakar.ir/ "Jafar") = 1.0.2 = * Updated everything, but forgot to add translation to subversion ... = 1.0.1 = * Added German (de\_DE) translation by [Jan](http://terrarienpflanzen-lexikon.de/ "Jan") = 1.0 = * Added option to send announcement e-mails to WordPress users * Added resources panel to tools menu * Updated Dutch and Flemisch translations * Updated to version 1, because there were no error reports so far = 0.10 = * Added checks for missing phone number / e-mail address = 0.9 = * Replaced *private* by *var* for class variables * Undone change 0.8.2 * Reduced required capability for tools menu to *edit_posts* * Added option to limit number of SMS messages per day * Updated Dutch and Flemisch translations = 0.8.2 = * Checking PHP version before loading classes = 0.8.1 = * Disabled wrapping of text lines at column 70 = 0.8 = * Added option to limit SMS message length * Added option to limit from/subject/text length SMS notifications * Updated Dutch and Flemisch translations * Updated documentation (faq) = 0.7.3 = * Fix for non-cached HTML message view = 0.7.2 = * Fix for SMS phone number * Replacing unsupported characters in SMS messages = 0.7.1 = * Fix for address/phone book = 0.7 = * Added option to download attachments * Added call to *htmlspecialchars* to process message text * Splitted mail connection and handling * Improved logging * Updated Dutch and Flemisch translations = 0.6 = * Added some HTML entities and JavaScript escapes * Moved widget configuration to tools menu to allow non-administrators access * Added option to in/exclude WordPress address book (default off for privacy reasons) * Calling *stripslashes* to process form input * Showing message data when deleting a message * Updated Dutch and Flemisch translations * Updated documentation = 0.5 = * Allowing multiple to/cc addresses (comma separates) * Added address book to cc too * Improved parsing/handling of addresses * Some little code improvements (it's never perfect ;)) = 0.4 = * Added option to view HTML messages * Resetting address book when reply/forward * Improved logging = 0.3.1 = * Fix for SMS schedule, which is now default off = 0.3 = * Added CC field to compose message * Applying *htmlspecialchars* to error messages * Calling *load\_plugin\_textdomain* for ajax calls * Updated Dutch and Flemisch translations * Some little code improvements = 0.2.1 = * Fix for fix for encoded headers with surrounding quotes = 0.2 = * Added Dutch (nl\_NL) and Flemisch (nl\_BE) translations * Fixed bug: name of to address was set incorrect * Fixed bug: use first address if multiple present (Reply-To) * Improved style of compose buttons * Fix for encoded headers with surrounding quotes = 0.1 = * Initial version = 0.0 = * Development version == Upgrade Notice == = 1.43 = Added HTML Purifier, updated Zend Framework, new translation = 1.42 = Translation update = 1.41 = Compliance = 1.40 = Compatibility = 1.39 = Compatibility = 1.38 = Fixed/updated/added translations = 1.37 = Fixed security issue = 1.36 = Bugfix = 1.35 = Bugfix = 1.34 = Compatibility = 1.33 = Compatibility = 1.32 = Compatibility = 1.31 = Compatibility = 1.30 = Time zone offset for SMS schedule = 1.29 = Apply SMS schedule to comment notifications too = 1.28 = Prevent sending comment notification of post author = 1.27 = New feature: multiple recipients notifications = 1.26 = Bugfix = 1.25 = TM4B support = 1.24 = Clickatell support = 1.21 = Small improvements = 1.20 = Bug fix = 1.18 = New feature: comment SMS notify = 1.13 = Compatibility = 1.12 = Auto clean log = 1.11 = Security = 1.10 = New feature: BCC self = 1.9 = Bug fix = 1.8 = New feature: fetch mail only when widget open = 1.7 = Compatibility = 1.6 = New feature: remove donate link/button = 1.5 = New feature: minimum capability = 1.4.3 = Usability = 1.4.2 = Compatibility = 1.4.1 = Compatibility = 1.4 = New setting = 1.3.4 = Compatibility = 1.3.3 = Bug fix = 1.3.2 = Security = 1.3.1 = Compatibility = 1.3 = Attachments for outgoing messages = 1.2.3 = Bugfix attachments, HTML body = 1.2.2 = Port test extension = 1.2 = Function to test if ports are open = 1.1.4 = Compatibility = 1.1.3 = Compatibility = 1.1.2 = Compatibility = 1.1 = Added BCC field, updated Zend framework = 1.0.8 = Added titles to info, delete and attachment icons == Usage == Goto *Tools*, *Mini Mail*. *Receiving mail* 1. Select at least a receive method in the *Mail* section 1. Fill in the *POP3* or *IMAP* settings *Sending mail* 1. Fill in at least your e-mail address in the *Mail* section 1. Select at least a send method in the *Mail* section 1. Fill in the *SMTP* settings if needed PHP mail is the simplest to use and probably allowed by your hosting provider. *Sending SMS* 1. Register at one of the [VoipBuster clones](http://progx.ch/home-voip-smsbetamax-3-1-1.html "VoipBuster clones"), [Clickatell](http://www.clickatell.com/ "Clickatell") or [TM4B](http://www.tm4b.com/ "TM4B") and buy some credit 1. Fill in the SMS settings *Save* the settings The *General* settings are site-wide and only accessible for users with *manage\_options* capability (administrators). All other settings are user specific. == Acknowledgments == This plugin uses: * [Zend Framework](http://framework.zend.com/ "Zend Framework") published under the new BSD license * [XML Parser Class](http://www.criticaldevelopment.net/xml/ "XML Parser Class") by *Adam A. Flynn*, published under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2 * [PHP Class: HTML to Plain Text Conversion](http://www.chuggnutt.com/html2text.php "HTML to Plain Text Conversion") by *Jonathon T. Abernathy* et al, published under the GNU General Public License version 2 * [HTML Purifier](http://htmlpurifier.org/) by *Edward Z. Yang* et al, publised under GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * [jQuery JavaScript Library](http://jquery.com/ "jQuery") published under both the GNU General Public License and MIT License * [AJAX upload](http://valums.com/ajax-upload/ "AJAX upload") by *Andrew Valums*, published under the MIT license * Ajax loader image generated by [ajaxload.info](http://ajaxload.info/ "ajaxload.info") "totally free for use" * [Info](http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Info_Simple_bw.svg "File:Info_Simple_bw.svg"), [delete](http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pictogram_voting_delete.svg "Pictogram_voting_delete.svg") and [attachment](http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gnome-mail-attachment.svg "File:Gnome-mail-attachment.svg") icons from [Wikimedia Commons](http://commons.wikimedia.org/ "Wikimedia Commons"), published under the GNU General Public License version 2 or released in the [public domain](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain "public domain")